Internal Assessment




The Internal Assessment in psychology (see John Crane. Course companion. Ch 12, p388) Handout Law et al Chapter 11 p328-339 Internal assessment

The internal assessment (IA) in IB Diploma Programme psychology is a replication of a simple experiment.  For all candidates the first step is to choose an experiment to replicate.  In principle, it can be any experiment, but you should choose one in which it is easy to identify the variables under investigation.  The success of your own experiment is to a large extent dependent on finding an appropriate study for research.  It is essential that your research is based on an experiment that has been published: you should not invent something of your own.

Please find a link to Jay Atwood’s Guide to help you.

Submission dates.

Internal assessment first draft. Friday 29th September.

Internal Assessment Final hand in date. Friday October 27th 2017



Learning Objectives

  • Experimental design
  • Define the aim of the study.
  • State the research and null hypothesis of a study (HL only).
  • State the independent and dependant variable in an experiment.
  • State the operational definitions of variables.
  • Describe potential confounding variables.
  • Explain the controls needed for an experiment (for example, maturation, contamination, placebo effect).
  • Explain effects of participant and researcher expectations and bias (including demand characteristics, expectancy effect, observer bias).
  • Explain the use of single and double-bind techniques.
  • Discuss the strengths and limitations of experimental designs (for example, independent samples, repeated measures, matched pairs, single participant).
  • Sampling procedures
  • Discuss sampling techniques appropriate to quantitative research (for example, random opportunity, systematic, stratified.)
  • Discuss how, participants are allocated to experimental and control groups (for example, matched pairs random allocation).
  • Explain the concept of representative sampling.
  • Explain the concept of representative sampling.
  • Evaluation of Research
  • Discuss the concept of internal and external validity.
  • Discuss conditions that increase a study’s reliability.
  • Apply descriptive statistics to analyse data (for example, mean, mode, mode, median, standard deviation.)
  • Distinguish between levels of measurement (including, nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio).
  • Apply appropriate graphing techniques to represent data (for example, bar chart, histogram,, line graph).
  • Apply an appropriately chosen statistical test (for example, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranked test, Mann Whitney U test, Chi squared test) in order to determine the level of significance of data (HL only)

The IA needs to be completed before the examination period at the end of the semester.  Click below to access timetable.

Timetable IA

Please access the word document.  Internal IB internal assessment for all the details concerning your IA.

Purpose of internal assessment

The two most important things to bear in mind are:We will allocate groups and you will be given a list of recommended studies.(ref Ideas for Internal Assessment.  IB  In your group choose an experiment that you feel happy with.  Make sure you have cleared it with me before you proceed. you will be given a proposal form please complete and handback for my records.


You can access an example of consent forms from here.


Once you are ready to collect your data I will arrange with teachers and classes to gain access to participants to carry out your study.  Make sure you are well prepared.  Practise amongst yourself before you proceed.

Please take the time to read through these examples.

This one received  a perfect score. Extremely well written. Please read.

Reference IBO teacher resources.

HL IA_Example_1-21anzy5





Example IA for standard level.



You can gain access to a number of resources from simply psychology.  Click the relevant link Ref; simplypsycholology

Presentation Inferential statistics

Please access website for calculating statistics

Statistics 1.  statistics t test 





Internal Assessment Details.

Please follow the guide carefully it will help you through the process of writing your report.  Marks for each section are given.  The IA is 20%(HL) 25%(SL) of your final marks.  Make them count.

Title page
  • Title
  • Student name and number
  • Subject and level
  • Date, month and year of submission
  • Number of words
  • Statement of aim and hypothesis
  • Summary of methods
  • Summary of results
  • Conclusion
Criterion A[5 marks]


  • Aim of the study
  • Literature review (analysis of relevant background studies and theories)
  • Operationalised experimental hypothesis

Criterion B[2 marks]

Method: design

  • Design; type and justification of experimental design, controls, ethical considerations including informed consent, identification of dependant and independent variables. (make sure you include letters of  consent in the appendix)

Criterion C[2 marks]

Method: participants

  • Participants: characteristics of the sample, target population, sampling technique, allocation of participants to conditions

Criterion D[2 marks]

Method: procedures

  • Procedures; described in sufficient detail to allow full replication.
  • Materials: list of materials used, please make sure you reference to copies in appendices

Criterion E and F[5 marks]

Results: descriptive-inferential


  • Statement of the measure(s) of central tendency, as appropriate
  • Statement of the measure(s) of dispersion, as appropriate
  • Justification of choice of descriptive statistic
  • Reporting of inferential statistics and justifications for their use (calculations in appendix)

Criterion G[8marks]


  • Interpretation of descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Comparison of findings to studies and theories reviewed in the introduction
  • Identification of limitations of the students’ research
  • Conclusion

Criterion H[2 marks]

Citation of sources

  • Works cited within the report listed in a standard format


  • Raw data tables and calculations
  • Supplementary information
  • One copy of instruments used
  • Copy of standardized instructions and debriefing notes
  • Copy of blank, informed consent form (participant and/or parent)


  • 1500-2000

Criterion I[2 marks]

Report format

  • Report format (does your report meet all the above criteria?). Remember to include contents page.

Total[28 marks]

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